I will be the first to admit that I am not a relationship guru; in fact, I'm the furthest thing from it. Like many of you, I am finding my way through the complexities that having any sort of relationship presents. Relationships are both wonderful & life-enriching, as well as challenging & down-right infuriating at times. Though Scott & I have been married for seven years, we've been together for thirteen. We've seen our way through college, post-college (including a brief break), several different hair colors (on my part), moves across states & in-between states, we've bought & sold homes together, we've traveled across four continents together, & we've had a child together. There has been a lot of growth over those years for both of us, in learning not only who we were as individuals, but who we are together first as just the two of us & now as a family of three. I'd be lying if I said all of it was graceful, that there weren't hard times, that everything wasn't sunshine and rainbows, but I'm sure you realize that.
There is no magic bullet to make a relationship work. What I am thankful for in all of the messiness that is life, is the conscious decision that we have made time & time again to love each other. Because that's really what relationships (that are worth keeping) are, the decision, despite what is going on around you, to consciously & unequivocally love in good times & bad; even if what you really want to do is throw something hard & sharp in the general direction of the other person. It's made us stronger, closer, & better for it. There's no one that I'd rather be navigating this crazy, fun, incredibly journey with than Scott and I cannot wait for what the future holds for us.
I'll leave you with one part of our wedding ceremony that was particularly special which was the reading from my grandfather. I am far & away from what would be considered an incredibly religious person, but I think that the context & the intent of it rings true. It is something I go back to time & time again, even when things are good.
love is patient & kind;
love does not envy or boast;
it is not arrogant or rude.
It does not insist on its own way;
it is not irritable or resentful;
it does not rejoice at wrongdoing,
but rejoices with the truth.
love bears all things, believe all things,
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