Chasing Davies,
Guest Blogger Post,
Guest Blog: Chasing Davies on Motherhood Must-Haves
Hello dear readers, I stumbled upon Meggy's blog a while back and not only loved in because she was a little ahead of me in her pregnancy, but also because she has a great blog and sense of style. She also has graciously agreed to do a guest blog for me (in all of her spare time...seriously, does she have an extra 12 hours in her day?!) while I adjust to mommyhood. Go check her out over at Chasing Davies and Thanks again Meggy!!
- I tried using the reusable ones first, but was constantly leaking beyond them (embarrassing). I haven't leaked onto my clothes at all with these disposable ones. So worth it.
Hello Haute Child in the City readers! I am Meggy from Chasing Davies and happy to be guest posting for Chelsea while she soaks up some amazing baby time with her new little one. Big congrats to you, Chelsea!
As a new mom myself, there are a few things I highly recommend to get by!
1. Best under eye concealer ever. Maybeline Instant Age Rewind Eraser Dark Circles Treatment Concealer in Brighter. Seriously makes me look like I'm bright eyed and bushy tailed, ready for the day, even after only 3 or 4 hours of sleep.
2. My Brest Friend
. I held off on getting this thinking it was just more stuff. I was using a regular pillow to assist holding the baby on my lap while I nursed, but was needing 2 hands to do so. After spending most my day nursing, I decided to try this to see if it would free up a hand and so it did. Now I can use my Kindle Fire, phone or even computer off to the side of me while nursing = multitasking!
3. Which brings me to my thrid recommendation - the Kindle Fire
or any other sort of tablet/smartphone. With that new free hand, you can stay connected to the world/email. Especially great for late night awake time with baby when there is nothing but crap on TV. I need something to do to keep from falling asleep, or crying of exhaustion.
4. A really great pair of leggings. While trying to catch a few minutes of sleep when your little one does, running between diaper changes and feedings or sitting on the floor trying to entertain the baby - leggings are so super comfortable, but still make you feel like you are wearing real clothes (as opposed to PJs). Not that you won't spend some days, all day, in PJs (ahem...), it's nice to switch it up here and there and wear something you can leave the house in.
5. Comfy (& warm during winter months) slippers. These Target Suede Moccasins are great because they have a rubber sole, which means you can leave the house in them too... which I do, all the time.
6. It's all I can do to take a quick shower, let alone wash my hair and dry it. So I've been using a lot more dry shampoo and washing less... time saver! (I love Suave Professionals Dry Shampoo Spray
and cheap, too)
7.Hooter Hiders Nursing Cover
- another something I thought I wouldn't need. I figured I'd just excuse myself to another room around other people or use a blanket. Nursing in another room gets isolating and blankets with a wiggly baby can be risky, so I decided to try this out and it really is great. It has a wire to keep the top away from you so you can easily look down to see the baby, wide enough to cover you all up, and pouch it folds up and fits into making throwing it in the baby bag easy.
8.Lansinoh Disposable Nursing Pads
Becoming a new mom, especially if your nursing, it hard work! I found these things to make it all a little bit easier. Good luck, Chelsea and many congrats on your sweet little one. It is the most amazing thing.
xoxo, Meggy from Chasing Davies
Thank you so much for reading my blog and leaving me a lovely comment! Your support truly makes my day. Hope you come back soon! xoxo