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BDIB: Arm Party


I'm excited to be back in the BDIB game.  My crazy schedule recently has gotten in the way of my participation in Pretty Shiny Sparkly's campaign.  And arm party was a great way to get back into it.  Why?  Mostly because I wear this trend pretty much everyday in some variation.  I simply love the idea of stacking bracelets to create new and different looks.  For this assignment, I chose two different metals: one silver, one gold.  I have found myself integrating more and more gold into my everyday, which I'm digging, but I can't forget my tried and true- silver.


[What I'm Wearing: Michael Kors Watch, Blee Inara bracelets]

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  1. Love your looks! This has been a fun challenge :)

    robyn of boluxe.wordpress.com

  2. Hey I participated in the BDIB challenge too! I came across your link and I'm loving your arm party! Very elegant!


  3. Love the gold watch. I was just telling myself that I need to invest in a nice gold or brown one.


  4. Very nice pieces you have there!

    xx Grace


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