Now that I've had half of the month to really mull over my resolutions this year, I thought it would be a good idea to put them out there in hopes that I would actually stick to them this year. The half of a month delay has also given me an opportunity to assess whether or not I can truly stick to them. So I don't like failure, who does?
Read one book a month
I got a Kindle for Christmas and a fabulous DVF Kindle cover from Hubs. I love love love them and have already knocked out the first book of 2011 (The Girl who Played with Fire).
Brush up on my French speaking abilities
Mastering a foreign language shows up on my resolution list every year. Previously it had been Italian, but since I already have a foundation in French, perhaps brushing up would be a bit more attainable than starting from scratch.
Live a more healthy lifestyle
I already am pretty healthy; I work out, eat as organically as I can, and not much processed foods. However, I'd like to incorporate more water, more working out, and less Chick-fila in 2011. I bought The Fluidity Bar towards the end of last year and want to use it a bit more. Good news is that my ankle can tolerate workouts much better so it looks like I'll be battling the resolutioners at the gym until February when they finally thin out. Now if only I can find the extra hours in my day for the gym-see last resolution for a fix to this.
Be more budget conscious
I budget now, but I'm not nearly as strict as I should be. Case-in-point, my-to-die-for latest purchase of super preppy Coach Poppy flats. I have resolved to only purchase the necessary, more classic pieces in 2011; not as much impulse buys. (OK, so I can't say NO impulse buys-these resolutions are supposed to be attainable right?!)
Commit Less
I am a classic over committer; I can't say no and I love to help out. As a result, I'm typically over extended and rarely home to spend time with Hubs and the dog. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE to be involved and I really only commit to things that I feel a strong connection to, but I need to spend some more time on my little family and friends.
Breathe More
I am your classic Type-A individual. Considering I'm a Project Manager by day, my life revolves around timelines, deliverables, and processes. This typically bleeds into my personal life and I end up project managing every aspect around me. Sometimes a girl just has to let her hair down and breathe a little!
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