25 things you might not know about me...


I think that I had originally intended this to be my first post, but the vajazzle phenomenon won out. Go figure-so without further ado....

1. I prefer eating appetizers at restaurants rather than entrees
2. Despite my social calendar, I would rather be at home on the couch with my dog
3. I think soy sauce should be its own food group-I would put it on everything if I had the opportunity
4. I have a baby tooth that never fell out
5. I was a ballerina for 15 years and I have the feet to prove it
6. I probably have the worst taste in music ever-my iPod is embarrassing
7. If I drink soda, it is only Dr. Pepper and I don't believe in diet drinks
8. There isn't anything that I can't do in 3" heels and a black power suit
9. Our wedding pictures were published.  I would like to think that it is because my husband and I are just that fabulous, but really the credit goes to our amazing photographer
10. I grew up going to the Outer Banks in NC and the beach is still one of my favorite places to be
11. NYC and Paris are my other two favorite places to be-next to home
12. I spend an obscene amount of money on shoes, purses, and cosmetics and I make no excuses for that
13. I met my husband when I was 20, we didn't get married until I was 26 and I am in much in love with him today as when we first met
14. I love NPR
15. Although, I love to travel, flying makes me nervous and I am a supersticious flyer.  I always travel with my cross and my good luck carebear toy

16. I love avocados
17. I park much better in spots that are on my left than my right
18. I love crime shows: Law and Order, Bones, CSI-I am such a junkie
19. I am obsessed with stationary and am an avid thank you note writer
20. I am addicted to my iPhone-there should be support groups for people like me
21. I love to read, but not sure that I am down with Kindle yet-I love the physicality of books
22. I bake when I am stressed
23. As much as I try, I do not think I have an athletic bone in my body
24. Since getting our dog, I think I have more pictures of her than of anything else. Can't wait to see what is going to happen when we have children.

25. Despite my attempts to be tough, I cry at the drop of a hat-even Hallmark commericals bring a tear to my eye.

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