
shake your pom poms


Checking in from week 33 here.  I'll tell you, this pregnancy has been incredibly kind to me - it is really hard to complain.  But regardless of that, I am starting to slow down a bit.  It's a smidgen harder to get from point A to point B and I have a sum total of maybe 5 dresses that currently fit me (And I'm currently boycotting pants because, 1) it's hot here and 2) pants and this bump don't exactly get along these days).  Case-in-point, I met Scott for lunch last week in uptown and I couldn't make it 3 city blocks without a bathroom break.  All of this is to say that I'm looking for comfort these days.  I'm also looking for statement pieces that elevate comfortable things that I'm rocking and these sandals totally fit the bill (bonus points because they are comfortable as well).

If you haven't noticed, pom poms are having a bit of a moment recently.  You'll find them on everything from shoes, to purses, to shirt and shorts.  Embrace it.  They are super fun and add a oompf to your step.

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shop pom poms

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