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Can we all agree that the pressures on everyone these days is a little, shall we say, intense.  The desire to keep-up-with-the-joneses; to portray a 'perfect' picture of your life for <insert your preferred social media platform here>;to be better, look better; and to gain more follows & likes is more pervasive than ever.  Let me be clear, I'm not against striving to be your best self, but to use others as a measuring stick is an unfair measure.  That's why I truly love the Aerie #aerieREAL campaign.  You might remember Emma Roberts being the face with an unprecedented ad campaign that was 100% un-retouched and they have made the promise to not re-touch any of their models.  That says something in the age of Kim Kardashian's taking the face that they were born with as a suggestion (to quote Amy Schumer).  

Almost as much as I am a fan of the campaign, I am also a fan of their t-shirt bras.  I don't often discuss my 'unmentionables' in this space, but I was given the opportunity to try out this bra for myself and I couldn't be more in love. Comfortable, easy, looks & fits great - it's the stuff dreams are made.

[bra  / tshirt c/o]

So in an effort to be real, here's us - Saturday AM, messy house, no make-up, slept in hair.  It's truthfully how I prefer life - a little messy, a lot of laughter, and a lot of coffee.  Being real to me is being true to myself; it's knowing that I'm going to have days where I am lucky if I have enough time to swipe on some tinted moisturizer before I head out of the door, days where I am rocking a sequin pair of pants and cutting myself enough slack in between.  It's striving to be a good cook, keep a clean(ish) house, and have enough time in the day to garden, but knowing when it is time to order in food, call a cleaning service, and buy from the farmer's market (it's as close to a garden as I get if we are being real with each other). If there's anything that this campaign has done, it is providing an open forum for women to accept themselves in all capacities for what they really are - and that is simply perfect.

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