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Happy Friday + Link Love


Say it with me, 'I can't believe it's November'! Trust me, we are all feeling it.  It's been an exciting week for us here.  I guess you could say that we've officially re-located to Charlotte by closing on our house, although we've been here since July and we actually aren't moving in for a week or so due to our schedules.  Regardless, it's nice to say that there's a light at the end of the tunnel. And I never thought that I'd say I'd be looking forward to the hustle and bustle of the holiday season. (Seriously.) While you are all enjoying last night's haul, I thought I'd share some gems I've been reading on the interwebs this week.

* A fabulous write-up on our dear friend's shoe company
* Seriously considering OTK boots and seriously lusting after these
* I'll be speaking at NC Blogger Buzz this evening on Life/Blog Balance
* These girls are pretty BA..... love the messaging.
* Love Stephanie's take on pumpkins
* Thoughts on unpaid internships

Rabbit Rabbit kids! Hope you have a lovely weekend!

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  1. So sad I'll miss the Blogger Buzz but I know you'll do a wonderful job!

  2. Good Luck at Blogger Buzz tonight!! Love your family picture!

    Five Minute Style 

  3. Your son's costume is adorable! So glad I got to meet you and hear your (very helpful) talk last night!

  4. Your little guy is adorable! I can't believe it's November, but I love this time of year so I'm okay with the hustle and bustle as well. It was great meeting you at the Blogger Buzz. Look forward to keeping in touch!

  5. Love the super cute costume! Adorable!



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