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Weekend in Pictures


The weekend kicked off early for Hubs and I on Thursday with a little date night that included a meal at Poole's Diner and The Carolina Ballet's rendition of "A MidSummer's Night Dream".  Two notes:  1) If you live or are ever in the Raleigh area, check out Poole's-ah.may.zing. 2) You know you have a good man when he on his on free will and accord goes to the ballet with you.

Over the weekend we got to join in on the celebration of the wedding of two of our fabulous friends.  It was such a gorgeous event at a great vineyard in Virginia. It was also wonderful catching up with the peeps who were at the wedding.  Congrats Beth & Chris!

Sunday was spent traveling back and preparing for my "Cocktails, Cupcakes, and Chris Harrison" Party on Monday to kick of the newest season of The Bachelorette.  Which kicks off one of my favorite pastimes: judging those on reality TV.

Hope you and yours had a lovely weekend!

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