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The internet is an amazing thing.  Little did I know that by participating in Pretty Shiny Sparkly's Bloggers Do It Better initiative, that I would have the opportunity the meet fabulous local ladies as well! Last week, I had the pleasure of meeting with Bryce and Mary of Clothes Hound.  These two ladies absolutely rock and I was super excited to hear about their online clothing store and soon-to-be storefront in Raleigh.

Clothes Hound prides itself on offering great brand names (Free People and French Connection, for example) for reasonable prices (everything is under $150)!  Not only that, but these are one-of-a-kind pieces in limited quantities, so you don't have to worry about 900 people having the same shirt as you. AND shipping is only $5.  Really, I'm not even sure why you are still reading this post and not shopping on their website at this point in time.

Here are just a few of my favorite pieces (mostly because I can't post the whole website-seriously they have some great stuff).

Sidebar: I'm having a serious love affair with peacock feathers right now

As if Mary and Bryce couldn't get any more amazing, they offered a discount code to my readers.  Enjoy 20% off from the ClothesHound by using Hautechild20.

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