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Pregnancy Books


Far be it from me to dole out pregnancy advice; this is my first and I'm only now getting into the third trimester.  Besides that, I've had the cake walk of pregnancies thus far (knock on wood).  However, you find when you are pregnant that literally every one (men, women, and children) like to give you their opinion on your pregnancy.  I nod, smile, thank them, and high-tail it outta there as quickly as possible.  The advice that I do bank on are several books that I have relied on throughout the pregnancy.

What to Expect When You are Expecting: This has been the Pregnancy Bible for years (even my mother read it).  There have been several updates, but the most recent is really fantastic.

Bump it up: Even yours truly needs fashion advice every now and then.  It's a great guide to getting you through the pregnancy without look like a tent.

Skinny Bitch- Bun in the Oven:  I loved the original book and thought this was a great follow-up to eating well while preggo.  A word of warning: these women are very extreme in their views and as such, the research and examples in this book are incredibly biased.  I recommend that you take everything at face value.  I don't 100% agree with their views or recommendations, but I do think there is some valuable insight and they have a refreshingly honest view on pregnancy and nutrition.

Belly Laughs: Jenny McCarthy was already a hysterical woman, but she tackles things in this book that your girlfriends might not warn you about when it comes to pregnancy.  I read it on a plane and was literally laughing out loud at her experiences in pregnancy.

The Modern Girl's Guide to Motherhood: I'm a think-ahead type of person.  This book is a fantastic resource for those who want to be a little more prepared for what's to come after the delivery.  Also, there are some great tips as to what supplies you'll actually need in different prices points for every budget.

The Hot Mom-to-Be Handbook:  The writer of this book is the founder of an online community for Moms and she tackles everything from health to the latest trends in motherhood.  It's smart, funny, and has a great view on things.

On a side note, even if you aren't expecting or even thinking about it, these make great gifts for your friends who are expecting.

All-in-all these books are great guides, full of tips and helpful information to make pregnancy seem a little less foreign.  However, the best advice that I've gotten to-date is to trust your instincts.  Even though crazy things are happening, no one knows your body like you do.  Every pregnancy is different and every woman has a different experience.  Don't let horror stories freak you out, take unsolicited advice with a grain of salt with a smile on your face, and do what you feel is right for you.

So expecting or already mothers out there, what am I missing? Any other titles that are a must-read for this phase?

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  1. great post, now i know what books to buy when i join the pregnancy club

    ps my word verification was porker.....


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