summer reading


Admittedly, I haven't been the best at keeping up with reading.  I generally love a good book, but with so much on my plate these days, it's hard to fit time in.  And yes, I know that we have just enough time for what we prioritize, but sleep these days tends to win out.  With that being said, I did start the summer with quite the ambitious summer reading list that I have made through part of thus far.

I've already finished The Alice Network and it is DEFINITELY worth the read.  I'm currently working my way through Big Little Lies (I know, I know - welcome to 2016) which I'm enjoying.  I'm also going to try to get through A Simple Favor before the movie comes out this Fall.  I'd love to hear what you are loving or want to be reading this summer (and if we are being honest, maybe into the Fall).

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