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Weekend in Pictures - 40 weeks


I have to be honest, I never really thought I'd make it to 40 weeks.  I was sure that our little guy had different plans for us.  However, I attempted to not get my hopes up by swearing that he'd stick it out.  Sadly, I'm concerned that I might have jinxed myself and convinced him that big pimping in me is where it's at.  I've also acquired a gnarly cold/sinus funk so at this point in time, maybe it's better that he stays in lest I get him sick.

So this weekend we....

hung out in bed

mastered the Lulu wrap

took more belly pictures

worked on baby announcement favors

sniffled....a lot 
and drank copious amounts of tea and coffee

continued with my Gossip Girl marathon

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  1. I caught up on Gossip Girl too- such a guilty pleasure!


  2. OH MY GOD. It must be in the air. I, too, have been on a massive Gossip Girl trip for the last week. I watched 6-7 episodes a day. Thank the good lord for Netlfix!


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